sábado, agosto 16, 2008

Single... again

This is one of those announcements I am not proud of making, specially after I said a couple of weeks ago that I couldn't wait for my life and my almost 5-year long relationship to move forward.

I only "announce" it to avoid third parties' compromising comments and long-painful live explanations.

The authors of this blog are now single. Things are fine, though, in case you were wondering.

And that's it.

domingo, agosto 03, 2008

Tag, answered a lil' late

Lady Stardust tagged me a month ago.. or so. I couldn't miss the chance to feel like part of the blogosphere again.

What were you doing five years ago?
-Turning from Hispanic Literature to Economics as a career
-Trying to digest that my very first love was gay
-Flirting around
-Longing for my current boyfriend's best friend and for his nicer twin
-Finding some of the best people I know (Yamil, Lady Stardust, Emiliano, Wong, Memo, Jessica, Sandra, Ana Rosa)

What are five things (in no particular order) in your to-do list for today?
-Go to Chapultepec to buy washable pink hair dye.
-Probably enter a museum
-Realize I am a day away from beginning a new semester :-( and improvising a school survival kit.
-Try my outfit for a costume party with cartoons theme
-Rent The Royal Tennenbaums or The Life Aquatic

What are five snacks you enjoy?
-Kisses by Hershey's with almonds
-Pop corn
-Dehydrated cranberries

What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?
-Move to Chile or London
-Make charity balls with medieval themes
-Get tickets for movie premiers and give them away to my friends and family.
-Go on vacations with friends twice a year to the Greek islands on my very own private yacht.

What are five of your bad habits?
-Talking too fast
-Judging people from first glance
-Being a bitch when I dissaprove something
-Unability to save my paycheck.

What are five jobs you have had?
-English teacher
-Information girl at the airport
-Scholar at Bolsa de Trabajo of Universidad Panamericana
-Proofreader of a BA dissertation in social psychology.
-Scholar at The Company (Taxes and Pricing)

What are five places you have lived?
-Tampico, Tamps.
-Cuernavaca, Mor.
-Street 1, Narvarte
-Street 2, Narvarte

Which five people do you want to tag?
-Already tagged #1
-Already tagged #2

sábado, agosto 02, 2008

"Es bueno saber que este blog aún funciona"

Es de esas cosas que se oyen que hacen que una se replantee sus proridades. Alguna vez en el trabajo me dieron una plática llamada "How to be an scholar at X&X and have fun". Fue realmente reveladora, aunque traumática y tan larga que casi rayó en lo insufrible. El punto es que en algún momento nos repartieron un par de hojas engrapadas y en cada una había un círculo. Las instrucciones y (mis respuestas) fueron fáciles: Indiquen...

As for today, el tiempo que realmente dedico a cada cosa no ha cambiado, pero las aspiraciones son way different.

Wong =32%
Trabajo= 29%
Dormir = 26%
Yo= 6%
Amigos= 4%
Familia= 3%

Sin afán de entrar en detalles que hoy por hoy me llenan de confusión, la moraleja es que en ese 6% entraría escribir en el blog, leer los libros que me ha regalado people who know better, tomar clases de madarín, tener ratos de vanidad, ver vídeos de Youtube y programas de VH1, películas de Woody Allen, Fellini y Bergman, y por qué no de Depp, Norton, De Niro, Ledger, Ruffalo, Depardieu y Fele. El gran higlight es que la escuela no figura. La gran conclusión es que tengo que comenzar a moverme hacia allá, I'm getting sick of the current situation.